Magnetic Equipments- Gauss Meter

Hand-Held Gauss Meters
Star Trace, a quality driven company has been manufacturing and supplying top-class Handheld Gauss Meter, which gives outstanding performance. Our range of Digital Gauss Meter is manufactured from the highest quality raw materials to ensure better quality of products and customers’ satisfaction. Digital Gauss Meter Model S – 20 B is a low cost Digital Hand Held Instrument for measuring D. C. magnetic fields using Hall Probes. It has two ranges 20 K Gauss. It has developed and manufactured in calibration facility ensures quick check of calibration.
All the controls are mounted on the front panel and are clearly designed. An attractive plastic cabinet with carrying cum tilt bracket makes the instrument light in weight and portable. LED display gives direct reading with 1gauss resolution on the 2k range and 10 gauss resolution on the 20 K range. The unit is supplied with a calibrated transverse Hall Probe of 50 mm x 1.5mm with the actual sensing area of from the tip.
- Range Full Scale : 0 to 2 and 0 to 20 Kilo Gauss.
- Accuracy : ± 1 % full scale + one digit of the 2 K Gauss range.
- ± 2 % full scale + one digit of the 20 K Gauss range.
- Resolution : 0.1 % of full scale.
- Visual Display : 3 ½ Digit LED DPM.
- Power : 9 Volt DC Battery Operate
- Size & Weight : 180 mm x 40 mm x 100mm and 1 kg approx.
- + 2% Full scale + one digital of the 20k gauss range. To be order properly.
Other Models
- Technical data and specification subject to change.
- Special Hand-Held Gauss Meter can be made on request, Please send us their technical data and application, required for our engineers to provide.
Table-Top Gauss Meters

Star Trace is a well reputed manufacturer and supplier offers customized Gauss Meters at very competitive prices. Our company has well-trained engineers who possess specialization in designing, developing and manufacturing noble quality Digital Gauss Meters. These Digital Handheld Gauss Meters are offered to customers. Our Handheld Gauss Meters are deliberately sent for quality test, which is performed by a team of quality experts.
STR Model S – 20 is a low cost digital Table Top instrument for measurement of D. C. magnetic fields using Hall Probes. It has two ranges 20 K Gauss. A built in calibration facility ensures quick check of calibration. All the controls are mounted on the front panel and are clearly designed. An attractive plastic cabinet with carrying cum tilt bracket makes instrument light in weight and portable. LED display gives direct reading with 1 Gauss resolution on the 2k range and 10 gauss resolution on the 20 K range. The unit is supplied with a calibrated transverse Hall Probe of 50 MMX 1.5mm with the actual sensing area of 1 from the tip.
Circuitry- Range Full Scale : 0 to 2 and 0 to 20 Kilo Gauss.
- Accuracy : ±1 % full scale + one digit of the 2 K Gauss range.
- Accuracy : ±2 % full scale + one digit of the 20 K Gauss range.
- Resolution : 0.1 % of full scale.
- Visual Display : 3 ½ Digit LED DPM.
- Power : 240 V a. c. 50 Hz, 10 Watts.
- Size & Weight : 210 mm x 95 mm x 225mm and 3 kgs approx.
Other Models
- Technical data and specification subject to change.
- Special Table-Top Gauss Meter can be made on request, Please send us their technical data and application, required for our engineers to provide.